An Overview About Glas BasiX

Glas BASIX Strawberry Gummy is absolutely delicious. A mix of sour and sweet in a strong flavor. Glas calls it a mix of sweet strawberries, sour gummy and mixed berries. Yup, it sure is! I instantly fell in love with this one. And, once again it Glas hit the nail on the head with the description, I would even agree with the throat hit of 2 out of 5 stars. They nailed this one.

Glas BASIX Blueberry Cream again nailed it. Touted as vanilla, blueberry, cream and cake, I can tell you Glas BASIX forgot to added almost better than your granny’s blueberry cake. This one certainly has a strong flavor, one of the strongest I would say in the Glas BASIX line. But, it’s not knock you on your butt strong. And it’s almost lick your lips delicous.

Glas BASIX Fizzy Lemonade was not what I was expecting. It’s listed as icy-cool fruit and I was totally expecting to be disappointed. Lemonade seems to be a hard flavor for juice makers to nail, because I’ve tried them and have not found one that actually tasted like lemonade. Until I tried Glas Fizzy Lemonade. This is sitting on the front porch, in a gentle breeze on a balmy summer evening lemonade. Glas describes it as lemonade, lime soda, pineapple and ice.Honestly, I don’t taste the pineapple but I can tell you the whole mix is working. Fizzy Lemonade totally pulls it off. Also, it leaves you with a pleasant cooling sensation in your throat.

As I’m still battling a winter cold, I loved the cooling sensation. After failed attempts at a lemonade flavor in the past, I can say that I probably wouldn’t have dropped my dollars on this. But, it’s amazing. If you are looking for a lemonade flavored juice that actually tastes like lemonade, give Glas BASIX Fizzy Lemonade a try.

Cinnamon Sweet Sugar Cookie? Don’t mind if I do. Glas describes Sugar Cookie as vanilla, cinnamon and cookie. Oh. My. Word. You know that smell when you are walking through the mall and you get near the cookie place and you are sucking in all that awesome smelling air? You got it, that’s Glas’ Sugar Cookie.

Now, I love the flavor, which is almost a cross between a freshly baked sugar cookie and a snickerdoodle, but it is strong. Depending on what I want at the time, this flavor may be stronger than I’m looking for. Glas nailed the packaging when they listed this one as of 5 stars for flavor strength. Glas BASIX Sugar Cookie is awesome, don’t get me wrong, but it really brings it.

Last, but certainly not least, Glas BASIX Caribbean Punch. Described as peach, strawberry, apple and pineapple, Glas BASIX Caribbean Punch tastes like a fruity drink you would get at a bar on the beach. It’s not a flavor combo I would have through up, but, like the other amazing Glas BASIX flavors, it works and works really, really well. This one has a strong flavor as well, also listed as 5 out of 5 for flavor strength, but it’s far from over powering. It’s just good and strong.

At Premium Vape Supply we’re pleased to carry the entire Glas E-Liquid and Glas Basix line ups at the best prices available and with the industry leading customer support and shipping you have come to expect.